coupons Facebook app

Project info
a special app for the iMarket Facebook page contain coupons from the iMarket’s shops

Project: iMarket

The content: 

This Facebook app contains up to date coupons from the different categories and locations, in the header there’s a big promo image alongside the instructions on how to use the coupons (downloading the app and scanning the specific QR code from the coupon in this page) and a series of buttons for the categories.
below there’s the coupon itself with details about the exclusive discount price, an image, the store’s details and a QR code for the specific product.

The user can browse between the different coupons in the category or to select a different category for other coupons.
The information is loading from the site itself using an XML sheet.

Technologies involved
  • Axure
  • UI planning
  • Photoshop
  • HTML
  • XML

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