Redesign an ITSM Platform

Founded in 2002, SysAid is an IT service management (ITSM) solution that provides tools for managing and tracking IT services, assets, and tasks.

In 2022, I was hired to lead the user experience redesign and revamp the platform interface. By the end of 2023, the new product was launched as an alternative to the existing legacy product, which continued to operate alongside the new one to serve SysAid’s longstanding customers.




UX Lead, Product designer


Redesign the Queue

The Queue page serves as the nerve center of the entire platform, consolidating all open tickets along with their detailed data.

Design Strategy

I led the redesign of the Queue page, aligning it with modern design trends. By analyzing user behavior & researching similar software, I identified key functionalities & streamlined the layout for intuitive access, I ensured the design met user requirements and enhanced platform functionality.


Queue's Main Features

Inline Edit

Every cell in this table can be edited and updated with a single click.

Graphic Chips

Using graphical elements to help users differentiate between various field types, making data reading quicker & more intuitive.

Custom Column

A sidebar menu allows users to add custom columns to the queue table & rearrange their positions.

Queue Views

Created, saved & shared for recurring use according to Admin needs, tailored to specific situations & use cases

Ticket Page

Redesign the Ticket Page

The ticket page is structured into two main sections: The left side displays the ticket information fields customizable through pre-made and custom templates. The right side features several key functions under different tabs

Design Strategy

I ensured that users can easily access and manage ticket information. Additionally, I prioritized the flexibility of the interface, allowing customization through pre-made and custom templates, and incorporated key functionalities into distinct tabs.


Ticket page's Tabs

Action Item

Automated processes and tasks that guide IT service management activities.


An actionable audit log that tracks all activities related to the ticket life cycle, enabling Admins to oversee and manage the resolution process.


consolidates attachments in a gallery format and provides a quick view for each file type uploaded.

Releated Items

Serves as the control center for all related items, allowing users to add various types & view them in separate tables.

Template Designer

admins can create and edit ticket templates using an intuitive drag-and-drop system, organizing fields in a three-column layout and viewing properties like restrictions, hints, and mandatory status for each field.

Design Strategy

The design of the Template Designer focuses on simplicity and efficiency. The three-column layout facilitates a logical workflow, with drag-and-drop functionality to build and organize templates easily.This design approach ensures that users can quickly create and modify templates to suit their specific needs

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