MemorialsQR – mobile app

Project description:
A special memorial page as part of the MemorialsQR Startup – a QR plaque placed on the deceased’s tombstone that linked to a mobile app and a mini-website with bio, images & videos, guest book, and more.

Years active: 2010 – 2012

Products: app

Role: UX, UI designer

QR based app

a build-in QR scanner. Every memorial page will get a unique web link printed as a QR code on Tombstone’s plaque.


The decease’s life story is built as an indexed events timeline, singly edited by the page’s manager.


The decease’s life story in pictures with 3 viewing modes: grid, detailed list and as a slider. each picture contains options to comment, like or share externally.

Interactive map

an interactive map with the cemetery’s tombstones map & contact details included two guide directions: by car or by foot.


Video gallery with clips taken from YouTube or Vimeo. The page’s manager can also add video details.

Guest book

Farewell letters, comments, and images created by the page’s visitors with interaction options such as replay, like, and share.

How does it works?

app's screens

Entrance page

Interactive map

Guest book

Gallery – Grid view

Gallery – List view

Gallery – Single image

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